Well it's been pretty busy here the past few days. I've had to work so I haven't gotten a whole lot of time with her, but she is surprising me with how much potential she has and how much she can actually do. I have also learned she is NOT used to being held at all. Honestly I don't think she got any cuddle time by the former foster mom, not even with her nurses. I know that will change while she is here. Right now we have two GREAT nurses for her and they are very good with her. Hubby and I also hold, talk to, and kiss her cheeks a lot. We want her to feel loved and connected and a part of the family. We were able to do it with "I" in the short time we had her, I am hoping for Everley to be bonded to us too.
She also smelled soooo bad when we would visit her and when we got her. That may have also been another thing that was keeping me at arms length with her... I don't know for sure on that one, but it was hard to kiss and cuddle "stink". She smells sooooo much better now. Like a clean baby! Go figure what medicating properly for excessive secretions and giving her a bath daily will do for you. Seriously she smelled sooo bad! Her nails were thick, long and crusty too.
Tomorrow I have a million and one things to do to get her settled in. I need to firstly get her school set up. I need to get all of her doctors called and change the contact information with them and make appointments maybe even perhaps get orders from them for her care for the nurses. I also need to get her therapists set up here, which may include having to get a whole new agency. I also need to get more supplies for her ordered. I already got all of her medications changed and ordered. Then I can pass along a checklist for the nurses to fill out when we need something and teach hubby how to do it.
When you do medical foster care, or assume the care of a medically complex child there is so much that needs to be done and so many people that need to be coordinated with that is for sure.