Wednesday, October 12, 2016

So much going on...but nothing really

The kids are progressing in leaps and bounds. Semira can walk everywhere and gets a kick out of showing you. David can crawl and will take steps now on purpose while holding two hands. Mac rolls everywhere and reaches and kicks at toys. He's getting so much better at tummy/back/side/tummy time lol. Emily isn't being challenged at school or really anywhere else right now, but we are working on giving her more "walking freedom" and getting more use out of her iPad Communication device.

The new house has a million and one projects to get through. Many are started but nothing is actually done. Not even the front court yard patio we hired out. I'm freaking pissed about that one. It still hasn't been painted even though he keeps saying "Saturday" every freaking week. He will not be getting out $10,000 backyard/front planting project come tax time.

I don't get to the pc often so posting from my phone on this is very limited or else I'd share pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, I can't stand when someone doesn't make it out for a job they agreed to do!
    Anyways- the kids sound like they are doing amazing! <3
