Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Adult children

Need a little attention here. My daughter is a nervous wreck over the baby coming. Mostly because there are so many things that can go wrong and she's so excited about getting to be a Mommy. She's almost 11 weeks now. She just got a new job, out of the classroom and into administration so hopefully that helps some. She still has bouts of nausea and vomiting, along with motion sickness and chasing three year old around all day is too much for her. With the new job will come insurance but in the meantime we found a place that will provide free prenatal care for her until 30 weeks. I also bought her a Doppler so hopefully all is well and we will get to hear the baby heartbeat soon snd maybe take some of the worry away.

My son has finally moved into his house. He starts school in January but he wants to also apply to the Police Department. His wife is pissed. They fight. Not a new issue. But they live closer now do I get dragged in. She's dramatic and has high clinical intervention levels of anxiety.  He's  an asshole plain and simple and needs to mature more.  He wants an exciting career and she wants a baby desperately. I think they need to grow up a lot first, despite being married for three years.   I'm very happy he's home. I love them both, I'm not happy that their fighting contains a lot of divorce talk and storming off. But I don't like getting texts about him "putting his hand on her" while at work... Only to find out by both that it was more his hand were on my arms as we yelled at each other face to face until he stormed off. Right or wrong, you don't throwing that around, domestic violence is serious. I honestly think they are just not right for each other somedays.

I'm an adult kid too. I'm stressed beyond belief because my mothers blood pressures are dangerously high. Stroke high. Just like my Dad the year before he passed. I have this de ja vu thing because I remember vividly the "screwy blood pressures" he'd talk about. She's also depressed because it's finally sunk in he's not coming back and we'll we all know holidays suck too and add to it. Work sux, the babies are busy and there is just so much to do.

So I worry, get little sleep and bitch and moan. You should see my blood pressure.

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