Saturday, May 4, 2013

Last Day

So we completed the Medically Fragile Training class so now we can Foster and Adopt ages 0-17 as well as those with medical conditions. Our license is in "assigned to liaison" status which means it has been sitting on the desk of someone at the state for two weeks and is now under review. Our Homestudy worker said that it will be kicked back because one of the references was late, she has that one and will send it, which adds another day or so. I hope it won't be kicked back because we don't have the dissolution of marriage notice (divorce decree) from Frank's divorce, because it is still being searched for in vital records, because we didn't have an exact date for the divorce judgement anymore.

What this means is if they don't flag it for that paper, we should have our licence in two weeks from the 1st and be on track for getting the girls for Memorial Day.

1 comment:

  1. yay I finally saw the "follow site" button... now I can follow better! lol
    I hope all the paperwork goes through smoothly!
