Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Court Tomorrow

Official report is that it be recommend that unsupervised visits start but proceed slowly. So we will see what the judge says. According to the behavior coach today when she has been there on Friday mornings they are well organized and doing exactly what they should be doing. So that is a good sign there. I want this to be over, but most especially I want it to be done so that they are not just bounced back either. I think they had a come to jesus moment and will get out of their selfish ways and do what is best for them.

I kinda don't want to say anything against them, because we are far from perfect either. It's hard to get into a routine with 3 very needy girls when things keep changing and the girls are not be most reliable sources of information either. They lack some very basic skills and their comprehension is a little slow on the uptake.

Are they better off here or there? THERE! Period. That is the whole point right? They have worked their program and seem very committed to working with services, what more can you ask for?

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