Monday, April 29, 2013


We complete the adoption portion of our Homestudy. I finished the questions and questionnaire, um but I can't find the questionnaire currently, anywho... so I emailed the licensing worker today and we made arrangements to meet at her office Friday morning in order to get fingerprinted yet again and finalize the adoption packet.

We do not have any children picked out or anything specific, which I seem to get the question a million times. For some reason when people hear we are adopting they always ask if we know the child or more information about the child. I know it is because most people have no clue how much pre-work is required in order to get on the list just to be considered to adopt.

I am hoping still to hear something this week about our license. But then again, it's in the state's hand so it all depends on if they are behind right now or not.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

1 more thing

One more class next Saturday and our Medically Complex certification is completed and can be added to our license when it is posted. I am hoping to hear something soon. Some people had their license posted as early as two weeks after it was submitted, so that would be this week sometime. I am not counting on this, but of course it would be nice if we were certified this month.

Maybe we will be able to get a child prior to July? Our license will be for two the first year, then up to 4 total. Which I think is adjusted IF we decide to parent a sibling group after all. Not that we are in this strictly for the money, but the larger sibling group adopting does depend on the amount of stipend that we are offered. We are not rich and the medical and mental health needs of these children far out reach our ability to pay for everything out of pocket.

I think ultimately we are looking maybe to adopt 1 little girl or boy. Eh... who knows I see those little faces and all plans are set aside and I want to parent and save them all.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I am always curious to see if there actually have been actual adoptions from this website or if these kids just sit there forever? I know that there is a matching process and that not everyone that inquires about a child or a group of children is matched with them or even considered for them but either way it still makes me wonder why these kids seem to be on this list forever.

Now, I am not exactly sure we are at the point in our Homestudy where we can or can't actually begin to be considered or matched with any of the children on there, but I did register for the site and submit an inquiry just the same.

I know we have to send the adoption certification paperwork to our licensing worker and she said she will write up the answers to our questions and add them to our file for when our license is back from the state for foster care so it will also include our adoption choices. BUT ... what I really want to know is...

If the state only allows you to foster 2 children the first year, and in order to adopt the children for our state they have to be in your home for 6 months, does that mean that if I wanted to do a direct adoption of a sibling set of 5 from an out of state placement, that I could not do it or be considered because of this rule?

That sucks! These kids are currently spread out over 3 foster homes, the oldest is getting too old soon to be adopted, I mean let's face it a group of 5 is pretty hard to place, let alone one with a teenager in it. Most families only want the younger ones.

Me... I want the family! This is why we are getting the large house. Now of course I still want to foster medically complex, but I would put that on hold if we were actually placed with this group. Now I am positive that this actually won't turn into a possibility, because of this rule, but it'd be nice to consider just the same.

Of course with that being said, I do believe that everything happens for a reason and that everything comes as planned, whether it be that you believe in a divine plan or in fate there is something out there that ultimately dictates your proper path in life.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Medically Complex

Saturday number one out of 3 complete.I don't think there is much to this, well obviously because being a nurse there isn't too much to learn except the about the increased amount of documentation. O yeah my favorite!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

At the State

Our application and home study are officially at the State licensing office. Just received the email. Here's hoping that they are not backed up and make us official faster than we thought.

& our medically fragile training has been moved from Aug to the April 20th start!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

HomeStudy Completed

As far as I know. I spoke with and met with the licensing worker today and the next step is the State to sign off on it and issue our license. Which could take anywhere from a few days, a few weeks, to God forbid a few months.

We spoke today about adoption as well and we are on track for a duel certification as foster/adopt and direct adoption once the license comes through. Additionally they said that it is also State mandated that there will only be 2 placements at one time for t least six months and then they will modify if there is a sibling group larger in need of placement or if a sibling of one we already have. We did specify a request for sibs as a preferences though. After a year however, our license can go up to 4 "regular" or 3 "medically fragile"

So now it's in the State's hands. Or at the very least very very soon to be.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Still not complete

So I emailed the worker to see how things were coming since we were told that things should be sent to the state this week. So she emails me back a list of stuff she still needs and says that 3 of the 5 references have not returned their sheets yet. I asked everyone and they said that they had already done so! This is frustrating because I can't ask them to complete them again, there is so much crap on there already.

Anyway I am just frustrated at this point. They were all about getting this house ready for placements and by the time we actually are ready on their end we will have to get the new house certified before we can get placements and she said they are behind.

Urgh! anyway I am sure this is how the state will be. I am also pretty dang sure she is only working the foster care side of the process and not the adoption homestudy as she has not sent me the paperwork for that part.