Sunday, September 14, 2014

Reaching out to the parents...

I have no point to prove. I don't have to offer. There isn't an order by the court or an agreement in place. But I have tried to maintain open communication with E's birth mother. I let her text me whenever, even if her text messages need decoding. I send her pictures and even invite her to outings.

I do this because I want her to maintain a place in E's life. So this weekend I offered for her to meet us at the halfway point of our house and hers. I hope she manages to make it, as there isn't much time in the year left before I won't be able to take her out there.

Friday, September 12, 2014

With hopes...

Talked to CPS today, she has a meeting with BioMom for D next week. She thinks she may be willing to relinquish. I really hope so! Adoptions worker for E said that she'd get the case if that were to happen. There is a waiting period for appeal, but she said the adoption would go much quicker if she did relinquish.

Maybe this will get to be his room permanently?

**Note:This room isn't photographed in it's complete stage, because his name is on the wall and we've added a few things too :-) **

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Mr. D

Is growing with leaps and bounds,small ones, but everyday he does something different. He has two teeth now. He can entertain himself for longer periods of time. He can drink from a regular bottle (which he only like water in), he eats solid foods twice a day, he's had one eye surgery, he is easy to make smile and laugh now, he HATES tummy time, he discovered his hands and appears to be left handed, he learned how to bounce his bouncy seat all by himself, he is delayed surely, but he's still progressing, and he hasn't had a visit with his biomom in nearing two months now.

I continue to text her and send her updates and pictures. We even invited her here so that she could visit him, but she declined. Her excuse is she's having a hard time. I get it because I knew she wasn't going to be able to parent him when we were first placed with him.

D doesn't seem to notice that Mom is gone, because he has this one and he sure does notice when I'm not around. He's bonded. We are bonded. I hope to be able to adopt him, he deserves it.

Friday, September 5, 2014

A break

N has been in school all week. Hubby has had a break and been able to do his favorite past time of hunting this week. He hasn't gotten anything, but hey at least he's out of the house and it's helped a tad with his mood.

We are still going back and forth of having a nanny and not having one. There are still times where the overlap of appointments cause some issues, but I just can't wrap my head or wallet around the need for someone on a full-time basis right now. It's hard to find a "sitter" who can actually meet the needs of the kids though either, if only they had nursing, we've have amazing luck with nurses!

Oh btw and when you lie about the small things in your interview, or over estimate your talents, I will notice, then I will actually start to doubt everything else.

Or am I just impossible to please?

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Signed Sealed Delivered

Got the adoption packet from the lawyer. Need to get the notary stamp and send it back and we get to petition for a hearing date for the adoption.