Friday, February 21, 2014

A Request Unaswered

Of course the people making requests for us from two other agencies have not received any information or confirmation from our current agency. Yes I know we are not the only ones on their roster, but they have already contacted me about it twice and NOT ONCE contacted the new agency. Also since they own our adoption certification they also have to staff the meeting for "C" which is supposed to be on March 6th. They haven't heard from our worker yet.

I really really need for this transition to happen soon. The little faith I have in their licensing specialists, let alone for their lack of "homefinders" well... yeah I am still pretty frustrated.

It also seems like my current agency is also still lost in the dynamics of our current placement. Seriously? It's like we are all alone when it comes to the actual child, except someone keeps coming out and checking the freaking smoke detectors and dryer vent! (this is real btw)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Another Red File

So one of the kids my friend got a call about is in fact an adoptable boy. He's older, 13, but technically 7. Anyway we were chosen to begin the red file staffing process. Yup another one. Seems all of our placements are coming this way. The problem is if our current agency is going to be responsible for this staffing because technically we have to stay with them for the adoptable children, but they just aren't going to be the ones getting the funding or ultimately paying up our reimbursement rates. Urgh drama drama.

Friday, February 14, 2014

BioMom visit number two today

Until severance she is supposed to have 1 visit a week for about 4 hours so she is going to be here from 10a-2p I guess. Then visits after that will be agreed upon in an adoption agreement. Usually it's either once a quarter or twice a year. I don't have any issue with her coming either of those, as long as no one else comes with her and there is no crap started.

I do wonder however how pre-trial went yesterday? I wonder if they even offered her the chance to relinquish instead of going to trial? I would hope she would have realized that she couldn't parent, but then again, I know I would fight all the way for my children. But I think that she is just going through the motions. I have no idea if the judge in this case or even the GAL in this case is favorable to adoption, but then again they would not have gone ahead with the RedFile staffing right?

I do remember that it was addressed that the mother was not happy with her being moved from the last placement when they were discussing transitions. But during the whole visit she was complaining about how dirty and stinky she was when she was there and admitted to both the GAL and CPS that she looked better and happier here. So I guess we shall know in a month right?

*** update- They did ask her to sign but she said she wanted to go the one more month of visits while the state was paying for them, after that she said she'd sign. ***

Thursday, February 13, 2014

I Pulled the Trigger

I met with the other agency. I sent an email warning the old agency that new agency would be calling to facilitate the change. They said it will take like two weeks. How much you want to bet we don't get placed from now until then?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Miss E

As everyone has taken to calling her has settled in. We have a routine that works. We are on the doctor visit train with nearly one a week. I have some catching up to do with her needs. We are still in search of a positioning chair for her that she can use or that we can have SSI buy for her. I have to get a doctor's order specific to her needs. The kid is so floppy and can't even hold her head up and hates to sit... umm.. yeah rolling on the floor and starting to get up on all fours is great and all... but sitting and head control is important too! There is pre-trail for the severance tomorrow, we do not have to go to that one. She also smells soooo much better now! She's so freaking cute, but seems to have a touch of RAD. She is not into cuddles or being held at all...she just was never cuddled before. Yesterday I was pretty upset when hubby told me she was crying for like 15 minutes before bed and no one came and got me! Usually its because someone isn't doing her bedtime routine correctly and Mamma knows what she like already.

In second placement news I have a meeting with new agency tomorrow morning. We will discuss the transition over. My friend has had two more placement calls and her two spaces aren't even empty yet. If I was at the same agency that she was at she could have just referred them to me, instead they had to go out to a vendor call and then... well we all know how sucky my agency is. No calls for us.


Monday, February 10, 2014

The phone rang...

But nothing became of it. It was a vendor call from the agency. It goes out to every open bed at every agency. The first to say yes is pretty much placed first. being that we have the last name with an A and we have open beds, you'd think we were near the top of the call list at least. With that being said its important to realize that in a foot/paper/phone call race or whatever you want to call it, our agency is freaking slow. So yup still no faith in their ability to get us a placement but still we keep plugging along toward what is best for our family.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Met BioMom today

The visit went well. She was very interactive with both myself and E. She was very repetitive in some things that she said but she realizes that she just can't handle her. She did complain that the new baby cries all night! She's pretty immature for her age, but with the baby she has more support because the new baby is a typical baby and has a father involved. I think CPS will stay in contact with the family, but since pre-trail is next week, and severance is next month, hopefully things are progressing in the permanent direction.

The Social Worker for the GAL and the CPS worker both kept commenting on how well E looked and how much better she sounded, and how much better she smelled. The GAL was like, "So what's different?" I said, "Just the type of care she is getting."

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Still waiting for that elusive phone call

I have zero faith in this agency... have I mentioned that. My friend has a different agency. Her placement went home and two hours later she got her first call. Three calls and three days later and she already has that bed filled. WTF?

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Ah the paperwork....

CDH has a lot more paperwork that is for sure. I spent most of the morning getting the monthly packet together. Still waiting on the next call. Hopefully it will be soon though. My friend just got the cutest little girl... I'm jealous. Not that I don't love E... because yeah I totally I already do, but this one is a freaking doll too.