Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

It's totally like having twins... the doctor said that Miss C is 6 months of age in her development, given her age of 16 months, and even with her adjusted age of 13 months, well not being able to sit up, is a big deal we've push for a Developmental Pediatrician evaluation and a referral for Early Intervention. Apparently we are the first to ask for it, which technically doesn't surprise me, considering. Mr D is also at a 6 months development stage and remains consistently 4 months behind his chronological age of 10 months... he is liking the sitting up now and its weird that he is ahead of her since he's such baby still.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Miss C

Came today. Not related to Mr. C. 16 months old. At this time we do not know how long she will stay since apparently she kind came without the agency knowledge, which is not good. I had given them all the information and the worker stated she was going to call them and set everything up. Of course when she called back and said everything was all set, I assumed she has contacted them... after she dropped her off that was another thing, but she's here so it is what it is at this point. So we shall see.

Miss C

Monday, November 24, 2014

Mr. C

What can I say.. he came in like a hurricane for sure. He is a handful... his OCD is a little hard to deal with, course I had to laugh when Emily actually yelled at him! She has a trach, isn't really that vocal usually, but when he stepped in her way and touched her DVD player she'd had it... she actually said, " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MAMAMAMAMAMA...." which was probably more like "Mine get out." But the amazing part is that she yelled!

Anyway, he'll start school next week. He's loud, cute, hug, loves to eat, loves to sing, loves the baby, and well Autistic at it's best. The dogs are NOT fans!

3-6 months the CPS workers say.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Like a Circle... or a Triangle at least

I'm not sure when exactly, I've blogged about it before, but a lot of months ago we had the opportunity to be considered for adoption of a guy named C. Well we had to forgo that opportunity at that time. The other day a vendor call went out for need of placement for him again. Poor kid has been moved place to place to place. Well we are getting him tomorrow as a foster placement afterall. We are not at this time adopting him, as he has an out of state adoption in process.... he was featured on Adopt us Kids actually and Wed#nesdays Child. He could be with us 3-6 months depending on how long his ICPC takes.

**found the post and linked it incase you are curious**

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Where there is a need.... we may follow

Contemplating changing our licensing to address the foster care issue here in Az, as the need for placements of the "typical" kind is huge. We have some decisions to make with regards to how we move forward, but at this time even this new agency isn't really working out well.

Our support coordinator is leaving, we don't have direct deposit, they don't do adoptions, they don't do CPS immediate placements... etc etc etc. It's quiet in the world of CDH and they have even stopped licensing at this agency.

What to do? I think I shall give another agency a call and see what they say. They have a new East Valley location and are always sending me emails. Even our CPS workers are wishing we took typical kids.

We have to see how it will go with Mr. D because our license may effect him and he is the priority at this time over anything since Miss E's adoption will be final in 3 days.

But it's another new step, another new direction we would go in.We shall see when the fates lead us.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Court update

TPR for D did not happen today dispite the parents not showing up because the AG didn't file the proper paperwork on time. So continued until January 13th. SMH

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Waiting for the call again

So now we are officially on the open beds list and waiting for another placement. It seems weird that there are all of these stories about no home placements and kids sleeping in case manager's offices or needing to be put in group homes, but placement calls don't happen. In a little over a week we will not only have 1 open bed but 2, because Miss E turns from foster child to adopted child and does not count on our license anymore.

Sometimes I wonder why or if I want to continue with the foster thing, but I know in my heart its the right path for us... and I've met some amazing kids along the way.

Saturday, November 8, 2014


As in there is a Termination of Parental Rights Hearing in less than a week for D. I'm so trying hard not to get my hopes up. It's tough either way.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

It was a very Happy Halloween for all...

N went home.

E was discharged from the hospital and is doing very well.

D and I flew out to Boston and had a very nice visit with my sister and her family and he even got to see hubby's side too.

Let's continue this happy trend for a while. TPR hearing for D is on the 13th and adoption date for E is on the 18th. We are officially open for another placement or two this next month.