Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Busy packing and parenting

We are going to move in a bit of an unconventional way so as to settle faster into our usual routine. The chaos of packing and trying to keep things out is just too much for me. Since the new house is an hour away from the old house, and we don't have extra hands to help with the kids right now, nothing can get done at the new house until we actually live there. So the movers are coming on Sunday and from tomorrow until then... It's throw everything into a box mode.

Hopefully once we move we will be able to get some more help. Lots of things going on right now in that department.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Got the house

Signed all the paperwork today. Funding is tomorrow and they will record the deed later that day and we get the keys Thursday because I have to work Wednesday night and am not driving the hour down there to get them.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Final Closing Disclosure Received

We can sign as soon as Tuesday so we will see what they can schedule tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow we do the final walk through in the morning, along with three of our four kiddos. Should be an interesting experience. I really hope the signing ends up in Tuesday because it's the only day we have access to a babysitter.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


The number of pages in the pdf files that encompasses our 2013,2014,2015 tax returns through turbotax that our underwriter just asked for. Good thing I could email it. But seriously...sheesh. I was told there is one other thing that they were requesting but our processor wasn't exactly sure what they meant so he said he'd call back later and let us know... But it looked good to close next week.

I sure hope I have or can get quick whatever it is that they want.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

No news yet

Got an email from the Realtor that we still hadn't come out of underwriting yet. I know our process takes a bit longer because they had to do a manual underwriting and a more meticulous process... But if everything comes out clear to close she said we probably will not be doing it Friday.

Fingers still crossed

Even Though

We hadn't made up our minds yet about the girls...there was to be a match meeting. Our licensing worker told them that she would attend the meeting...she did not show up. They chose the other family. Im conflicted in the fact that It really pissed me off that she didn't show after saying she was, though Im not surprised because she does that to us all the time. On the other hand, maybe someone higher up in the universe knows better and made the decision that was just too hard for us to make.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Semira, our oral aversion projectile vomiter, is eating all meals by mouth!!! We are still on stage two texture baby foods along with other things like yogurt and mashed potatoes, things like that. It's such an exciting process to start weaning from the feeding tube. We still have to give her liquids through the tube but only normal "drinks". The best thing is we will be able to tell the gi doc to bite it! lol I think that starting the blended diet that I did with helped to get her ready for eating real food. I am one proud mama and patting myself on the back, one great feeding therapist.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Hours till we come out in the other side of under writing. Will we be cleared or will they want even more conditions or paperwork?

Saturday, April 2, 2016


Because my Iproducts are not really compatible with this format I haven't been able to post pictures of whats been going on.

So I've updated the last few important posts with some pictures. Such as in the Holiday and Adopted posts

But for gratuitous pictures for comparison: The adoption pic, the mid way pic, and the first week together pic

Friday, April 1, 2016

Sinking house feeling...

Got an email from loan processor saying they are probably going to disallow the Foster/adoption money unless.... Insert a long list of documents, requirements, etc....

I have what I have and I don't have anything more. So once I give them as much "proof" as I can and "prove" that going forward at minimum we have what we have and I've given them it ALL... It's either... Close or have a lot of money in my bank acct and very little debt and a high paying job.

We don't have to move from here. I just wanted to spend less money on a house that wasn't mine. It's not like we are stuck.

So still hoping it works out. But at this point, since I haven't ever considered packing shit... I honestly don't care.