Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Post in Pictures

The new house project:
Old kitchen new kitchen. Still a work in progress aswe have the change out the lighting and finish the crown and wainscoting

The babies growing like crazy
David practicing his new skills in his crib.

Semira thinking she's all grown up now because she can climb onto the couch on her own

Spud got his first pair of glasses

I'd post a picture of Emily but she does not take good pictures and all we manage to get are a bunch of her with a squished face and closed eyes or pushing the camera away. Needless to say she's here and causing trouble. The new house gives her freedom and she chooses to get into things, like her brother's things, the dog bowl, and anything else in her way.

Fast approaching

The one year anniversary of my Dads death. I don't want to think about it. I don't want to talk about it. I especially don't want to relive it in memory. I'm trying to be there for my Mom who is of course still going through the phases of grieving in rapid succession and cycling through it over and over. I want to remember the good and forget the bad. I can't change it. it gives me peace to know he's no longer suffering through daily agonizing pain and I know that he's been looking down on me and giving me what I want like He's always done my whole life.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

I wish I had my camera

A rare moment when my phone was on the charger. Was feeding the twins aka D and S their dinner tonight. Cheeseburger, sweet potatoes and jello ( both not a fan of jello) But they were having a blast. Semira learned to growl and David laughed and laughed each time she did it. Every time he'd laugh she'd screech and laugh and growl again. It went on and on throughout the meal. She copies everything he does, which at this point is good and bad. Technically she should be farther along in developing communication than he is, but she even copies his sounds for things and stopped using the words she's learned for them. Now at least she can sign more, all done, and yes.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Stair climbing and crib standing

Too much now. Too much development all of a sudden for these two. Not to be out done, David has joined Semira in the pulling to stand in his crib. Semira must be gated as whenever she sees them free she climbs the stairs. She does not know how to come down yet.

The kitchen is coming along. The walls are painted now and the first steps of the wainscoting have been placed. The before and afters are pretty unbelievable at this point.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Developing overload

Yesterday David, not to be out done but his sister, decided it was time for a new trick of his own. He can now sit up from a laying down position and scoot on his butt across the room. He can get himself back down to laying down slowly but prefers the fast, my world is a bubble, method. We have to work on that one more. He's started reaching up and out for things, I see pulling to stand coming soon.

Can I just say I so very proud of these babies.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Reno in full swing

There isn't one single room inside and out that is not in need of an update. So far this is what's been done. I've been concentrating on the kitchen so far. Painted the cabinets and resurfaced the Countertops. The new floors are going in and should be finished tomorrow. There is still so much to do though but every day I'm starting to like it even more, even though it's starting to show its quirks.

Speaking of renovations... Semira is progressing at max speed all of a sudden. She'll turn two on June 3rd but being a micro premie she's been behind. But right now she's on a roll just kicking into high gear for being a mobile 1 year old. She's mastered pulling to stand and climbing the stairs. She's also getting into everything, putting everything into her mouth, and playing with toys with purpose. She's a handful and finally giving my hubby a taste of the real meaning of needing to baby proof everything. We've tethered down every dresser and shelf that sits on the floor. There are gates going up and door locks on cabinets. She's the first he's really had to really watch. I'm so very excited and proud of her.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Foster over

After 3 years, 12 placements, nearly 4 adoptions ( just waiting on Macs date) and three houses, we are officially no longer a licensed foster home. No more licensing worker, no more O#L#R governing decisions made on how we can parent, store items, put our kids to bed, or any of the other silly rules. We still have 1 caseworker visit a month and the CASA advocate for Mac who still wants to play grandma for him. But those are ok.

So short but productive that's for sure.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Starting to settle in

Most of our things are moved over to the new house. Somehow a ton of stuff we know we had are missing. There are many many boxes to unpack still. My days off consisted of trying to get Emily and Spuds rooms back together and their supplies organized because the new nurse started Monday. So far so great!

I've also been redoing the kitchen in the process as well. I can't afford the official upgrades yet but I've resurfaced the counters and painted the cabinets. The flooring guys are coming tomorrow to measure and quote us. I've ordered the backsplash and some of the wainscoting. I've also finally picked out the paint colors and Saturday I'm painting the kitchen. The kitchen was my must do first project because it's the room you walk right into and the ugliest. The yard I think is next as that barren wasteland needs some color.

Pictures to follow.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

It's moving day

And it's going to be a beast.,As usual we are only half packed but in our defense we have 4 med fragile babies. David and Semira and Emily all had major meltdowns at bed last night. David woke numerous times and Semira slept in my bed. Both woke early this morning and continued where they left off.

We are waiting on the mover and my awesome brother and sister in law to come and help wrangle the babies so we can get over to the new house.

I've started my kitchen redo, but with working all week and the new house being an hour from here, it was just impossible to finish before we move in. It'll easier once we are in to finish it.