Saturday, June 25, 2016

Not perfect

I'm not perfect. Adoption isn't easy. Bonding is hard, maybe sometimes impossible. It's not like you read on every blog or see on YouTube or tv.

I have found it nearly impossible to bond to Emily. Ok I said it. Unfortunately it's very true. Her ODD and RAD may have something to do with it. Maybe it was bad timing. Maybe because she's nonverbal, or because she was older? Though I doubt it's the older thing because I did bond right away with Miss I. So really I'm not sure why.

But there it is, in all its ugly glory. The only reason we went forward with her adoption is because hubby did bond. So yeah, he's better than I am at this blending thing. Or maybe during that bonding time I was grieving too much over the losses of Jackie and Miss I then focused on David when he came.

Whatever it is, it is.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Hair pulling

Have I mentioned this before? David is obsessed with it. His wicked giggle, his focused lunge toward the poor unsuspecting victim, ok not always unsuspecting because Semira actually strategically places her head in his reach, but it's his FAVORITE thing! He even reaches up purposefully when hubby is feeding him and pulls his leg hair. Hubby screams and he laughs and lunges again and again. It's a game to him. He kinda understands the word and meaning of no, but not really.

Semira is the main target, Emily next, and poor Spud has gotten it once or twice. Emily can crawl or roll out of the way, but hasn't figured that out yet. Semira crawls right over to him and puts her hand down. I kid you not. Usually it seems if it's when he's getting attention. The little addict he is pounces and grabs and twists with his pull. She screams, he gets "yelled" at and she gets picked up and cuddled.

At 2 do you think she's actually manipulating this or what? Keep in mind, she's actually only developmentally 1.

How do people with multiples do this?

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Two two year olds and a surgery.

Semira is officially two and the twins are twins again. We didn't do a big thing because the house is still in shambles from the remodel and the move. Maybe if we have our new pool in by her next birthday she'll get a real party. She was jipped out of her first birthday because it was the day after my father had passed away and her second has been just as emotionally charged. At least she won't remember these anyway. But she ate cake this year and that's a huge milestone.

Spud had to have his tonsils and adnoids taken out, hopefully this helps with the sleep apnea. Poor baby is miserable and doesn't realize that crying makes it more painful and cries because it hurts. I've written down a strict pain medication regime for his nurse and hubby to follow while I work the rest of the week and to at all costs avoid crying fits. In the next few months he will have to have another surgery this one on his man parts, we are all not looking forward to that, but his junk is missing in action. He seriously looks like a girl with no opening and an enlarged "man in the boat"

Ok but enough about that. LoL

So I don't forget... He also finally at 18 months cut teeth!! Two bottoms came in this week.

Friday, June 10, 2016

I'm in love with a stripper

Seriously David is a nudist I think. Course most two year olds probably are. I came downstairs this evening from sleeping and right at the bottom sitting in front of our slider on the laminate floor was a butt naked little boy sitting straight up playing with his spinning toy giggling like a fiend.
Hubby is sitting on the couch totally oblivious to the fact that there is a very naked baby, a not potty trained baby, sitting right behind him. At least 1 he wasn't on the carpet and 2 he didn't actually pee or poop. But Emily was right there beside him and apparently he didn't like the fact that she had a diaper either because once I'd dressed him and set him back down to play. He kept reaching over to her and grabbing her diaper and trying to yank it off.

Hubbys excuse... Well he was quiet so I left him.