Friday, August 16, 2019

Babies in School

Wow how on earth did nearly 5 years pass already. This morning all the littles were in school for the first time.

Getting home was a two man job today, as David, Malachi, and Emily all rolled in together. David and Emily are in the same class that is K-6. Malachi is at a different school for pre-K. Mira is at another school for K.
Daddy was home today to help. Not sure how it’s going to work when he doesn’t make it home on time. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

She’s here...

Arielle Zendaya made her appearance quickly and by the grace of God safely on Aug 1 at 1:42 am. I missed the birth by 10 minutes. She came so fast and so suddenly she shocked the doctors and nurses.  Needless to say the doctor lost his bet on which baby was coming first.

1. First time mom with a 0/0/0 ( dilation/effacement/station) and no contractions

or 2. Active labor second baby dilated and effaced. By the time we’d transferred to the postpartum side #2 had not yet delivered.

Arielle was small at 5.7 18 in. Mom was very sick during pregnancy. Her cord was wrapped twice tightly around her neck, she’d been showing signs of distress and failure to thrive, thus the induction. She was and still is her parents miracle baby. They’d struggled for 5 years of infertility and just when they’d started to consult the specialist, the stick showed those two magic lines.
They discharged the next day and I am so proud of my son and daughter in law, they are doing wonderfully with her and she is such a content little peanut.