Friday, March 27, 2015

12-14 Reasons Why...

We may not get to adopt S afterall. Today I found out she has 12-14 other siblings. She's Mom's 10th pregnancy and Dad has 4 other children. Apparently BM has children in groups and her family is raising those other 7-9 children. She does not have any of them. There is no doubt that the case is going to go to and achieve severance. BM's last severance was a year ago. However, the tricky part is that there are siblings and family that could come forward to claim her. The saving grace is that she is high medical needs and not just anyone can pop up and become an acceptable placement family or not, but it is more likely of course.

Now 1 set of siblings lives with Maternal grandma.... BM is older than me... those children are 12-14. The other set lives with Paternal Aunt, not biodad of Miss S, the youngest of which is 5.

The of course biodad, those who has agreed to sign his rights away, still has family that could request to be placed with the baby.

So there's that to consider now as we move towards April and then June. We have to have another whole adoption home study and everything done since ours has expired now too.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Case Updates

Today was court for D and the biodad's rights were severed. Next court date for trial for severance for mom,...January! Seriously. April pretrial for Miss S, but if the AG files the paper correctly, and if bioday signs and biomom doesn't show... we could be adopting her sooner than D... if we get to adopt D at all by that point, a lot can happen in what 9 months! Next week we will have gad him for 1 year. Technically Miss S needs to be with us for 6 months before we could get an adoption date for her, which will be in June.

We have asked to have Mr C moved, but he's still here. His school is driving me nuts. The kid has gained a lot of weight and finding clothes to fit a short fat kid is hard. I think the school is over feeding him too.

Emily is in the PICU again this time with RSV and some how Strep, which hubby and I both have as well Everyone else has boogers :-)

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Not expected, but kinda expected

Yesterday the CM for Miss Baby S came and said that in April they are moving to severance and that the biodad states he is not contesting, biomom is still mia, so they have her as abandoned. They asked if we wanted to be her adoptive placement. Of course we said yes.

Next week is the pre-trial for severance for Mr. D, his Biomom is contesting, so doesn't look like this will go well. Of course she is doing the bare minimum she has to, I really hope the judges see through her bs and see that his needs and best interests are not with her, heck two weeks in a row she forgot to confirm her visit with her parent aide, who she has to confirm with or there is no visit, because she just had so many things on her mind,aka she forgot all about her son.