Friday, March 27, 2015

12-14 Reasons Why...

We may not get to adopt S afterall. Today I found out she has 12-14 other siblings. She's Mom's 10th pregnancy and Dad has 4 other children. Apparently BM has children in groups and her family is raising those other 7-9 children. She does not have any of them. There is no doubt that the case is going to go to and achieve severance. BM's last severance was a year ago. However, the tricky part is that there are siblings and family that could come forward to claim her. The saving grace is that she is high medical needs and not just anyone can pop up and become an acceptable placement family or not, but it is more likely of course.

Now 1 set of siblings lives with Maternal grandma.... BM is older than me... those children are 12-14. The other set lives with Paternal Aunt, not biodad of Miss S, the youngest of which is 5.

The of course biodad, those who has agreed to sign his rights away, still has family that could request to be placed with the baby.

So there's that to consider now as we move towards April and then June. We have to have another whole adoption home study and everything done since ours has expired now too.


  1. Wow!
    I hope things work out and you guys get to be her forever family!

  2. Dang, so many kids! They may not be able to handle the medical needs. Our youngest had family come forward and then back out because of his heart condition at the time.
