Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The open adoption

Technically three of our four are open adoptions. Semira being the only closed adoption. We haven't heard from David's birth mother. We do hear from her sister a little bit but it's not often anymore. Emily's birth mother is on my Facebook so she asks for pictures and has asked to see her, but it's pretty hard to cart Emily out to a public place for a meeting. 1 we don't live anywhere near her. 2 it's too hot to drag the kids out. 3. Emily does not like to be in her wheelchair and she can't roll around on the floor at the mall, a park, or a kids pizza place. But, her birth mom is very sick and needs a heart transplant. She's only 22. I feel for her because I know she would have loved to have been able to keep her, but she didn't have any support. But life is busy in our world too.
Macs birth mother is young and clueless but she means well. I let her go to doctor appointments if she makes it to them so that she can see him. She texts me all the time bugging me for pictures.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Leaving again

My oldest daughter moved to Deleware in February, then moved back here in May. Tomorrow she's moving to Montanna. I hate the idea of course. The months she was away over the winter sucked enough. The babies are also very attached to her. But this time it's a bit different. This time she's moving there because her HUSBAND was offered a job he supposedly could not resist and changed his plans to move back here.

Not a happy mother in law does this decision make.

But tomorrow I'm driving on up with her and then flying over to Seattle to visit my oldest son and his wife. Bittersweet. Yay for the girls road trip we've always talked about doing... BOO for the reason we are doing it. Yay for getting to see my son and his wife! Still BOO for the reason I'm taking the trip.

Also did I mention it'll be the first time I've been away from David since we've gotten him? This is gonna suck for everyone as he is not a fan of not being with Mommy at all and Daddy doesn't sing as well as I do. Hopefully my back up doesn't flake. So between the three extra people coming to help hubby, he'll manage the weekend without me.

Monday, August 8, 2016

So behind on posting

So many things going on but not being able to post from my phone kinda throws a dent in the good posts.
Emily started first grade today at her new school. No longer getting a 1:1 nurse. Supposedly there is an RN in the class all the time because it's a high needs medical class plus there are two paras with the teacher as well. I'm thinking it may be too low functioning for her. On paper she looks very low functioning medically until you get to know her. Ive laid out a bunch of rules though for the classroom which most importantly is do not let her roll around on the floor at all! They have all kinds of chairs and such to try and she does not need ANY floor time while in school. She needs to learn that there are rules and expectations and that she can't just be free to be a feral child like she wants to. She can be so much more if we push her.

Semira is walking. Not all the time and still very wobbly but she's taking steps and it's awesome.

David said mine twice now. Once when his sister was in his chair and once when she had his favorite tub toy. It was adorable. He reached for it and everything. He was not happy at all about the chair.

Mac is in the throes of a bunch of Doctor appts so maybe we will have some answers soon about what's going on with him. He's a 4 month old in a 19 month old body. We've gotten some ideas and if we could ever get an OT ( occupational therapist) out here we'd be able to get some more advanced therapy for him.

This Early Intervention shit is a joke here!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Mac is free and all things are moving forward with his adoption.

Semira is starting more and more to stand on her own. Walking is probably not far off. I'm going to look into "school" for her for the fall to go two days a week for half a day. She needs to see more typical kids so she'll try and copy them. She still refuses to talk, but her signs are increasing. She's even started putting them together. Today she pointed to my phone and signed please music more. She looked up at her favorite junk food junky, her dad, and signed cracker and pointed to the box. She's seeking out her milk box now and drinks on her own. She will not hold it yet, she just reaches up on top ties and drinks.