Sunday, January 24, 2016

Petition to Adopt...House Hunting

Is in our hands. Getting it notarized and mailed out tomorrow. Adoption worker thinks that it'll be two weeks until we get the date after its presented to the court. Probably looking at a March or Early April date at this rate.

We will have had D two years at that point if that's the case.

We are meeting with the home lender on Tuesday to start our file so we can get our pre-qual letter. We have started looking at houses to see what's out there.

I am going to my bank and paying off the few open items on my credit report and according to the lender that is all that we need to qualify at a lower interest rate. They will do a rapid rescore and we will have nearly everything we need to move forward.

We are looking for a single story 5 bedroom greater than 2000 sq ft, or two story greater than 2200sq ft with at minimum two bedrooms and a 3/4 bath on the first level...with space for a playroom... all for under or near 200k... sounds impossible but we actually have found a few.

We need to start thinking about clearing out junk and packing I guess. Lots to do.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

In other news

The lawyer is working on the final petition to adopt but has not completed it yet. I'm hoping that we get the call to come sign it early next week for S and D.

In court the other day BM for Spud agreed to relinquish rights and the court date for that is Feb 29th. She had 10 days to change her mind. At that point the court date for BD will have happened.

We will increase in family size by three babies in 2016.

Despite being full, we've also been called about two vented little ones that we had to turn away. It does make me wonder... Do we keep one foster bed open? Can we still help? We shall see.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Debt free before buying

I'm sitting in a place where this is possible. Finally hubby and I are on the same page financially.

Do we move into smaller rental for a year and attack the bills with the extra... Or do we just pay what we have in collection and keep paying the revolving lines i.e. Car payment and student loan, on time, perhaps with extra on principle every paycheck and when we hit the magic number buy?

I need an adviser who knows what they are doing.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Moving could be in the future

As we complete our additions and enter a phase where we think foster cares chapter in our lives is probably closing. We are contemplating moving to our forever home. Yup that means buying. We shall see where this road takes us as we proceed in the first few steps. Apparently there are only a few small things left for me to pay off. Hubby has a few and besides my student loan and my car payment, all of those things can be paid with taxes and we may still have left over for a down payment if we don't go VA loan.