Monday, December 29, 2014

Vision impairment

This weekend we were exposed to the reality of Mr DS biological cousins that have the same syndrome as we do. Both boys are cognitively impaired significantly and blind. They are in their 30's so treatments and things were different back then. But it was interesting to get a glimps into what he could be like in the future. However, he has some additional challenges too, bhaving been drug and alcohol exposed he has some other aspects of his condition to deal with in development related to that too. The good news is that two of the boys, the ones I met this time, both can walk and talk. I have so much hope for him for his future.

Speaking of vision impairment.... Mr C is blind but in denial about it. He sees light, shape, and sort of clear really really close.... It's comical sometimes they way he gets around, he just walks quickly to where he wants to go just assuming he's right about his path. Many days this method brings about the " bull in the china shop" side of him, other days... He's right on the money.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Another Letter in the Alphabet

Hubby is on the way to pick up an AA 6 month old little girl. Her name is S. When Miss C came to our house over Thanksgiving... I commented that she was the wrong color. I know it's bad, but I've always wanted an AA little girl, since things fell through with Miss I, well... anyway... someone was listening I guess.

No idea about anything regarding her case plan at this time. So stay tuned.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

What's happening?

D's birthmom is back and has requested visits,she's also void of memory of the last 9 months. So needless to say this court hearing in January could be interesting. Otherwise he is healing very well from his surgery and sitting up more and more. He's also cut his first top tooth and has rejected the pacifier completely now. I don't think I am ready for that yet, he still needs it!

Emily is having her first arm repair surgery tomorrow. Her night nurse has given notice, so a new person to train :-( We liked her the most, bust her schedule just didn't fit with ours. Emily is testing the limits of my patience. She is the most defiant child I have ever met! To say that she makes it hard to bond with... well it's still a struggle. I hate to admit it, but there is no mother daughter bond there. These things take time I guess, but it was not this hard with Miss I, for me it happened right away with her. Maybe it is just the timing of it all. Emily did come during the loss of two little girls for me.

Mr C is still here and can we just say that we dodged a bullet with his adoption. Hubby and him... well let's just say they butt heads so much that we have come to the conclusion that hubby is not cut out for parenting teens. Yes we have parented teens before, but apparently he didn't like Hey you live and you learn and you find your strengths and go from there.

C's adoption worker has asked us to consider a 9 year old little boy. So we shall see where that goes.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Crazy Days

D had his surgery and has been all kinds of crazy. He just doesn't sleep anymore at night, I am not a fan of this and he is super cranky. But who can blame him I mean palate surgery is no joke aaaaaannnndddd he has finally cut a third tooth. Good news is that the corneal specialist says that his cornea is cleared even more since the last time he was seen and they know he has more vision than they first thought. Means we get to hold off a bit longer on the transplant if he even needs one at all in the future.

We turned down a placement because it was weird in that CPS was not involved and it was just someone wanting us to take care of their kid for them because they can't... meaning parents are very involved and child is here long term.... he is 15 so yeah... not our thing. Speaking of teenagers Mr C is here and well, he's here. He's a pretty big source of loud but its entertaining most days so it keeps it interesting.

Emily is Emily :-) Not much has changed yet in her world, but we are working towards some exciting things.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Journey out today

With three kiddos. Oh I know there are so many of you who do it with many more. We need a double stroller for sure. Emily smiled the whole time. Mr C was very good, gotta love bribery. D was cranky, but in his defense he was tired and is still only three days post op after all.

What we learned is that this batch of three is portable and we are not locked in the house like we were with N.

December is a Crazy Busy month for us

Mr D had cleft palate surgery. There are a million and one appointments going on between now and the end of the month. Mr C and Emily both have upcoming surgeries this month as well, both are supposed to be only day surgery though.

I am starting a new job and have no idea how many days I have on the schedule right now either.

Oh yeah and it's the Holidays too

Monday, December 1, 2014

Goodbye Miss C

Today CPS called and just like that little one is ordered home with Grandma. Honestly, well Thank God! I was just not ready for another crying baby with everything going on this month with Emily having surgery and D having his cleft surgery this week too.