Thursday, December 11, 2014

Crazy Days

D had his surgery and has been all kinds of crazy. He just doesn't sleep anymore at night, I am not a fan of this and he is super cranky. But who can blame him I mean palate surgery is no joke aaaaaannnndddd he has finally cut a third tooth. Good news is that the corneal specialist says that his cornea is cleared even more since the last time he was seen and they know he has more vision than they first thought. Means we get to hold off a bit longer on the transplant if he even needs one at all in the future.

We turned down a placement because it was weird in that CPS was not involved and it was just someone wanting us to take care of their kid for them because they can't... meaning parents are very involved and child is here long term.... he is 15 so yeah... not our thing. Speaking of teenagers Mr C is here and well, he's here. He's a pretty big source of loud but its entertaining most days so it keeps it interesting.

Emily is Emily :-) Not much has changed yet in her world, but we are working towards some exciting things.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! And yeah.. weird position to be in with the 15 year old.. why can't the parents take care of him if they are involved? Homeless?
    I'm glad things are well!!!! Of course it will be a ton better once D is all healed up! Poor baby!!!
