Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Court for N tomorrow

The family is petitioning for immediate transfer of child to home country. I'm of course mixed over this. Because no I don't think she will thrive there at all, but on the other hand, well I'm pretty much done with it.

What else can we possibly do to prevent the leaks and finger painting that we haven't already been doing? Yuck, just yuck.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Miss E got the fever....

And what appeared to be a seizure top it off too. But after a day in the ER, some IV antibiotics and some really good nursing care, she seems to have finally broken her temp for now.

Friday, October 24, 2014

In other news

We found out some things about D that were odd. Like his name isn't his name on the birth certificate. We also learned that there is a severance hearing on November 14th.

I don't want to get my hopes up too high, because it doesn't mean that much unless his parents don't actually show up. But I get excited for him and his future getting closer to getting secured.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Like de ja vu

L will not be coming. Two years of saying no we won't adopt, state finds adoptive home and....
I feel like I've written this before.
Oh because I have! At least it was not a drawn out process like it was with "I" last year.

So after three months D's biomom has popped back into the world of... Giving a shit. She's decided to call cps and find out what her plan is so she can start working it. Nice for her.

Urgh! I hate people today!

Monday, October 20, 2014


D is too fat!

But he's progressing so much!

E is as sassy as always.

N is still here. Her parents are a crazy freaking nut jobs. And we can't post pics of her because she's straight foster,

L is 3 years old little boy that we met today. He's the sweetest handful. He will be an at risk adoption placement and should be here next month. He has a trachm gtube and a syndrome called Prader-Willi more info to come as we find out more.

Friday, October 10, 2014

November 18th is the Date

We received notice this week that our adoption date for Miss E is on November 18th! Exciting. Hubby was in tears.

We also received a phone call that very same day from a CPS worker that we worked with on a case last year. She was looking for a placement for a little boy and when she went through the available vendors with CDH she saw our name on it and she said she got so excited she called me right away. So even though we don't officially have space yet, we are in fact going to meet a 2 1/2 year old little boy on the 20th and see if it's a match or not. So possibly we could add "L" to our brood of letters by the end of the year? We shall see I guess.

Friday, October 3, 2014


When you have a cold and the infant has a cold, I don't know what's worse!! This sucks...poor baby.