Friday, June 10, 2016

I'm in love with a stripper

Seriously David is a nudist I think. Course most two year olds probably are. I came downstairs this evening from sleeping and right at the bottom sitting in front of our slider on the laminate floor was a butt naked little boy sitting straight up playing with his spinning toy giggling like a fiend.
Hubby is sitting on the couch totally oblivious to the fact that there is a very naked baby, a not potty trained baby, sitting right behind him. At least 1 he wasn't on the carpet and 2 he didn't actually pee or poop. But Emily was right there beside him and apparently he didn't like the fact that she had a diaper either because once I'd dressed him and set him back down to play. He kept reaching over to her and grabbing her diaper and trying to yank it off.

Hubbys excuse... Well he was quiet so I left him.

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