Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Miss E

As everyone has taken to calling her has settled in. We have a routine that works. We are on the doctor visit train with nearly one a week. I have some catching up to do with her needs. We are still in search of a positioning chair for her that she can use or that we can have SSI buy for her. I have to get a doctor's order specific to her needs. The kid is so floppy and can't even hold her head up and hates to sit... umm.. yeah rolling on the floor and starting to get up on all fours is great and all... but sitting and head control is important too! There is pre-trail for the severance tomorrow, we do not have to go to that one. She also smells soooo much better now! She's so freaking cute, but seems to have a touch of RAD. She is not into cuddles or being held at all...she just was never cuddled before. Yesterday I was pretty upset when hubby told me she was crying for like 15 minutes before bed and no one came and got me! Usually its because someone isn't doing her bedtime routine correctly and Mamma knows what she like already.

In second placement news I have a meeting with new agency tomorrow morning. We will discuss the transition over. My friend has had two more placement calls and her two spaces aren't even empty yet. If I was at the same agency that she was at she could have just referred them to me, instead they had to go out to a vendor call and then... well we all know how sucky my agency is. No calls for us.


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