Saturday, September 6, 2014

Mr. D

Is growing with leaps and bounds,small ones, but everyday he does something different. He has two teeth now. He can entertain himself for longer periods of time. He can drink from a regular bottle (which he only like water in), he eats solid foods twice a day, he's had one eye surgery, he is easy to make smile and laugh now, he HATES tummy time, he discovered his hands and appears to be left handed, he learned how to bounce his bouncy seat all by himself, he is delayed surely, but he's still progressing, and he hasn't had a visit with his biomom in nearing two months now.

I continue to text her and send her updates and pictures. We even invited her here so that she could visit him, but she declined. Her excuse is she's having a hard time. I get it because I knew she wasn't going to be able to parent him when we were first placed with him.

D doesn't seem to notice that Mom is gone, because he has this one and he sure does notice when I'm not around. He's bonded. We are bonded. I hope to be able to adopt him, he deserves it.

1 comment:

  1. awww <3 I hope you can adopt him, I think that would be wonderful!
