Tuesday, December 25, 2012

In the Beginning...

A man met a woman and her two children. They married and attempted to add to their clan, but were unsuccessful.

Life went on and the children grew into wonderful fledgling adults who were in college and about to head off to the Army. Meanwhile, the man gained new hobbies, and the woman decided to pursue her dream to become an RN.

But there was something missing... It is here where we start our next journey. Here where you can follow as we navigate the rollercoaster that is foster/adoption.

The first step was the information orientation where a large group of people are given a presentation and the majority are scared off or continue on with the process because they have kinship children in need, or a very large heart and an empty space waiting for a few children in their lives.

We are excited and nervous and a bit freaked out over the prospect of adding to our family through this process, and believe me I have been doing my research as well!

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