Thursday, July 17, 2014

Iproducts suck...

And make it hard to blog, but hubby got me a new laptop and now I shall be able to blog more.

Today is a big day and I will find out more information but as of now there isn't much new. They had court for D yesterday, today his CPS worker comes and there is a CFT for him as well. The biomom called hubby yesterday and said she was told she could come and visit the baby whenever she wanted...I was like ummm... NO! So we shall see what CPS actually said, because biggest thing, we do NOT allow family visits in our home unless the child is already severed and adoptable PERIOD. I'm curious as to what the case plan is at this point to. It was adoption by family member but no one has heard from the family member, and the Pediatrician is still saying he will try and block a reunification with the baby and any member of the family, I'm not sure he really has much "say" but it's still a nice gesture. *** update - court went and no changes. CPS came and stated that what she meant was, " If we adopt him then the adoption can be open, and if you ask I am sure they will let you come and visit anytime."***

N is still here, court for her is the 23rd, at which time I hope to hear that both aunt and dad have been trained and she will be ordered home. I won't hold my breath, but I can sure hope. Sometimes there are just situations that you just need to run their courses faster than others.

I may have come to the conclusion that foster care may not be for me... or at the very least not without a fulltime Nanny or a part-time job.

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