Saturday, October 31, 2015

And then she asked me for money...

It was only $60 but it's a precedent that I don't want to set. Can you wire it to me? I need it to go shopping for stuff for the new baby. The people I am staying with are going to the store right now. $60 is an arbitrary number for getting baby stuff, when we told her we have a swing, a bassinet, a ton of clothes and newborn diapers for her. I'm thinking it was for another reason. But incase you didn't know, I don't give money. I'll give you stuff. I'll buy you diapers or formula, but I don't give money. You hold up a sign and ask for money for food. I'll give you a sandwich. I don't give money. My nieces ( my brothers girls) are the begging for handout types. They learned the same thing, I don't give money. I give my time. I share my home. I offer advise. But unless I gave birth to you or adopted you...or you gave birth to me, I don't give money.

1 comment:

  1. Word! I did the not giving money, but giving food and whatever other items.. until I learned said person would spend their money on drugs/alcohol cause I was there to buy the food/diapers. F that. Cut off.
