Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sitting down to budget

The time is getting close to make some huge decisions for our family. To close our foster license or keep it open. To take more children after our adoptions of D and S are final or not. Spud is still here of course and it doesn't look like he's going anywhere soon, but he also has a sibling coming which we really can't take in. Which brings us to. We really can't bring in anymore children because D is very high needs and requires a lot of attention. Emily has a lot of additional therapies coming up as does S. Spud is so far behind that he needs more time. If I were home it'd be different, but hubby has a lower threshold than I do of course.

So thus it brings us to budget. The house and it's up keep are very pricey. Hubby thinks if there is money in the bank he should spend it. Having more kids requires help, help cost money. So a budget meeting is for sure in order.

Big decisions on the horizon.

1 comment:

  1. It's pretty exciting to consider the possibility that your family is near to being "complete." <3
    It is much easier to plan for the future when that happens :)
