Sunday, August 24, 2014

D#ggar Vent

Let me just preface this and say that I am a fan of the show and watch frequently and follow the goings on of the family. I am not going to comment on the recent, "issues" that are in the media, as in biblical followers have strong beliefs and they are welcome to their own thoughts. Yet I digress... it's a fertility thing...or lack there of that gets me.

The family practice of the Senior Mr and Mrs is to faithfully have as many children as God sees fit to give them. I get it. It's a good practice if you can live it and they could. BUT... then there was the preemie, then the stillborn, then the results that natural methods would probably not be effective any more for conception. OK so God has spoken then right?

Now I am hearing fertility treatments? There comes a time when Grandma needs to stop having babies! Let's rejoice in the new season of life that grandchildren are bringing into your family! Grandbabies need special attention too!

Course that is just my two cents and they don't matter, but if you tell the world that you live a philosophy and then don't actually live it, then well maybe I shouldn't really care what you think about Transgender people using the bathroom that they feel more comfortable in!

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking the exact same thing recently. At this point it seems more like an addiction, a need to fill, rather than gods will.
