Saturday, August 30, 2014


The new CPS for N is actually pretty great so far. She is more inline with the other two we have so that is good. The father is still a big f'ing tool and really the ONLY reason at this point that we would like for N to be moved. We've settled and it's been easier getting her needs met. Our licensing agency emailed me the other day and said, "Do you want to keep N in your home until her aunt is ready or do you want to keep her permanently in your home?" I know she KNOWS we would NEVER keep her with her father the way he is. So I told her we would keep her as they work through whatever her case plan is and if they want to move her to the aunt when she is ready that is fine with me, but I don't think she should just be moved and moved and moved. Since she FINALLY starts school on Tuesday there is a bit of a break there! Woot! However, she has back slid a bit in her stomach issues and her behavior. I think maybe the Valproic Acid for her seizures may be the problem. She was off of it for two weeks and at that time she was a totally different and much better kid, now back on them... well sleepless nights, less smiles and more stomach issues.

Mr. D cut his first tooth yesterday! In 10 days he'll be 8 months old, but the little pooper grabbed my finger last night during his bath and OUCH! It was exciting for us all, it's just the tiniest part of the tooth sticking out at this point but it was sharp. His eye is healing and it's weird for me to see him with what appears to be a natural orb under his lid while closed. I am so used to it the other way after the past 5 months.

Miss E is still cruising through to Adoption, looks like it'll be in November and perhaps on National Adoption Day, our lawyer is the chair of the events here, but we are still trying to get a date sooner rather than later. Next week we have an appointment to see about hand surgery for her. She also started shaking her head no, I said no and she started shaking her head. It was cute, but since she already does the opposite of what you want her to do, because she thinks it's funny, well it's a double edged sword I guess. We also found out that the Nurse that we were trying to poach well E doesn't like her at all...she cries a lot and then she gives me the cold shoulder, I think it's because she actually talks to me a lot, whereas the other nurses are her slaves and spend every minute catering to her and I stole her friend. She holds a grudge.

1 comment:

  1. Some exciting stuff happening! I hope N does well in school.
