Friday, August 8, 2014

Parental Issues

N's family is probably the worst possible family we could have gotten at this point. Seriously though, her CPS worker is the worst possible CPS worker we could have gotten with her too. A family that complains about everything and makes shit up when they can't think of anything else to complain about, coupled with a lazy CPS worker who doesn't want to supervise her own damn case.

What it equals is an investigation into us, for cat hair- seriously I kid you not. Plus her father pretty much just states that she is getting substandard care at our home, because we do not speak Spanish.

Well we bring her to doctors appointments- they did not. We follow doctor orders- they do not. We enrolled her into school- they did not. We help her gain weight - they did not. We brought her to the dentist- they did not ( she is going to loose ALL of her teeth!)

We have documented visits both announced and unannounced that show that she is taken care of, is "happy", she has her moments, she is actually even starting to interact with everyone here, and yesterday she even did a craft project with help. She had potential that they WASTED.

When hubby informed dad that she was going to school next week, his story from "the school wouldn't transport her, and the school kicked her out for sticking her fingers in her mouth" Turned into, she cries on the bus and cries all day in school.

Yes I can see that she would do that. She does not adapt well to change. She needs time to adjust, she needs consistency. Yes she freaks out daily about something, but she still should do it. Over time she will stop crying and start interacting with her surroundings.

We've seen it with us and now after 90 days here, she's changed so much from the first weeks she was here.

But alas she is a typical Rhett's girl and all the joys that come with that along with being misdiagnosed and neglected medically = N

1 comment:

  1. aww poor girl :( she's so lucky to have you guys.. wish her parents weren't so difficult and unrealistic in their expectations.
