Thursday, March 24, 2016

Just another day in paradise

Getting back to life as usual is still a work in progress. The adoption is wonderfully completed and really it hasn't sunk in yet because 1.) people are still all up in our business. 2.) everyone is sick and we've been busy dealing with boogers and puke. 3.) I've been working a lot right now to help out and cover some shifts, to bank as much money as possible towards item #4. 4.) which is we are still in escrow and document gathering as we move toward that ever elusive closing date fingers crossed. 5.) We are closing our Foster license next month so we have that drama to deal with. 6.) We are still moving forward in the unknown world of if we are going to or not going to move forward with meeting the girls. 7.) we are still working towards Spuds final court date and we recently found out biomom was in jail again for a few weeks. 8.) then of course there are the constant medical day to day things like getting doctors appointments booked and going to them. 9.) our nursing hours can't seem to be covered at all by the agency for what we need and our favorite nurse is leaving in two weeks to have her baby. Our evening nurse is off a lot and they can't cover her when she needs to go to doctor appointments or take a day off. 10) we need to change agencies but I need to talk to the district nurse about it first.

I'm sure there are a million more things... But I need to get back to charting

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