Monday, August 10, 2015

In December...

The magic number will be 1... as in we will actually have three one year old in the house! Can you imagine and they are not even related. At one point in time when I was taking fertility medications I thought, wow we could have multiple birth taking this... never did I think that I'd have this route to parenthood. Its hard, but it's worth it all at the same time.

D's adoption packet came and is nearing completion. We have a lot of doctors to contact to get their portion filled out. Tomorrow I have to email the adoption worker and make sure that she emailed our referral to the Homestudy coordinator at the other agency, as that is the only thing that we are waiting for to get done. Once we have that we can get an adoption date. To say I am antsy is an understatement... I want him mine now!

So as promissed her is a bit about what is going on with S. There is court on Wednesday... her birth father, the only parent who's been "in" the picture in a year, had requested visits and custody at the last court hearing. He hadn't seen her or tried to see her since February. So we set up with the Case Manager the dates that we could do a visit. We couldn't get into the Visiting Center because they changed their rules. He doesn't have a parent aide, because he lost that right in March. So next best thing, she had three upcoming doctor appointments. He could attend those. Of course if he really wants to parent her he needs to attend and make sure that he can get to doctor's appointments. He has no car, he has no home. So Case Manager gave him a bus pass for the close appointments and sent a cab for him for the farther appointment. He showed up late and missed the doctor appointment for the first one and spent less than 15 minutes "with" her. He asked a few questions, bought her a teddy bear and looked at her three or four times. Hubby then explained to him the importance of her doctor appointments and getting there on time and a little about exactly what is going on with her and her needs. Second appointment, no show. Third appointment, the cab went to the address that he gave the Case Manager at the last court appearance and guess who they can't find? Severance trial is on Wednesday.... please please please do this kid a favor dude and stay the heck in your crack den!

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