Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Look what these babies can do...

It's a been a very busy week or so here. Each baby has turned a month older and with that came some advancing of their milestones.

S can sit independently... at 14 months old she is at a 6 month developmental age, her adjusted age is 10 months old. She says Baba,Mama,Dada,& Nana. She does not use any of those for anything other than babble. She's very social and has stranger anxiety. She's still not taking any food by mouth and is only 16 pounds. We did find out that she is tongue tied so maybe that has something to do with her feeding issues. We shall have to see I guess. Her case: She is free... we are just awaiting the adoption referral.

Spud can actually sit in his blue chair and has initiated play for the first time. Developmentally he is sitting at a 2.5 month old and age adjusted is 4 months, he's 8 months old. He coos and echos vowel sounds and smiles a lot. He's down from .4L of O2 to .1L Yay! He can take about 2 oz of formula by mouth, but tires out pretty quickly and usually has to break that up in 1 oz feeds between naps. He is pretty much just taking the bottle from me right now though, so that's a bit frustrating. He weighs in at a whopping 15.8ish pounds, but I'm thinking that at his next appointment he'll probably blow that away. Most excitedly, he sleeps all night long from 8p to 7am in his own crib! His case Court is on the 28th but it's just an update of the case. BM hasn't done anything with regard to her case. She has an appointment yesterday, don't know if she made it or not, but that could add extra time. Right now it's so so early in the case that she has a ton of time to get her stuff together and get him back. Of course he's now in a concurrent plan which is Reunification/Adoption by foster parents.

D is coming along so much. He's standing so much more now and sitting like a champ. He's still only 20 pounds and only says Mama, Nine, and No. He signs yes, more, play, music, eat, and drink. He asks for things like More eat, More Play Pattycake, or More music. He can even answer yes and no questions appropriately. I'm a little concerned right now about some swollen lymph nodes I found on him, so he has some follow-up appointments for that. He can throw a temper tantrum like no ones business and has learned some new tricks for them like thrashing his head back and forth, banging his head on his chair, exersaucer, or walker. He can and likes to feed himself over being fed. He loves food and tastes everything. He still prefers soft food textures of baby foods over some table foods, but pizza and baby cheese puffs have become his favorite foods. His case Has been adoption all along and since he's been free for awhile now we are just waiting to complete our updated homestudy and get an adoption date. We are hoping at this point that it's a double adoption with S. Can I just say that I hate waiting for people to do their jobs so I can get my part accomplished. Today I completed the subsidy packet and am just now awaiting all the medical update letters from all of his physicians.

Emily is in Kindergarten! Wow full day 5 days a week. She's having adjustment issues for sure. Nursing changes and all these new people have made for many a meltdown. So glad it is easy to corral her during a fit. She gets a new wheelchair next week, she's healing very well from her last hand surgery, and is growing leaps and bounds with her ability to use her previously affected stroke side hand, she used to have total neglect of it. She's such a big girl now and even her tastes in movies, her favorite things, have changed. No longer will she tolerate baby shows, she's a big girl now and B@rbie Dancing has become one of her favorite things. We are actually looking into a Special Needs Dance class or cheer team that we have heard about for her to try. But we really need to get her a stander/walker so that she can really enjoy the other kids. She loved watching and interacting with kids her age, typical kids make her laugh.

She is not a fan of her picture being taken.

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