Thursday, August 6, 2015


So Spud is 8 months old... still acts like a two month old. Has become very vocal and has even started taking a bottle now and then. The bottle part is a battle as he does the gagging thing that S did, S is still not eating (her post to come). He sleeps in his own room now, which is decorated with a Monkey theme.
Anyway Spud is in fact going to be a big brother. Spud's Mom on the other hand is doing everything she can to get him back... oh wait, yeah she just says she is. Two visits totalling 40 minutes...since May. Yeah since May. She has missed her intake for a Parent Aide (meaning more visits) twice, no call no shows. She over sleeps or my favorite, "Oh I should really start keeping track of his appointments now." I'd say I was surprised but I am not. I know its early in the case so I am still hopeful that maybe she will get her crap together... but as the new baby's birth gets closer I find it harder and harder to believe that it will.

He does have a CASA worker now, which is just someone who sees him and tries to work with him and his mother to give them extra support. Its supposed to be a best interest of the baby and only the baby person. She comes and acts like a Grandma... it's cool. I ask her to come during his cranky, please just hold me and only me time.

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